The all-in-one platform for suppliers and the hospitality industry.
The ultimate software solution for hospitality businesses and suppliers alike.
Increase your efficiency, reduce costs and improve collaboration with tools designed
to meet all your needs.
- Direct access
- User-friendly interface
- 24/7 Support
Online ordering platform for local business owners
The Next Order is the most productive, affordable and smart way to automate your business and focus on what really matters.
The Next Order keeps everything simple and automates many actions to make everything as efficient as possible.
Customers have the ability to place new orders. In addition, packing slips can be printed and a daily summary is available.
Experience the ease of creating new customers as an administrator and seamlessly adding products to their account, including setting custom prices.
Easily create an invoice from your orders. Mail them directly from the platform and link them to your own accounting program. All this can be done within seconds.
Coming soon
Discover local suppliers in your area.
Ordering locally not only guarantees the freshness of your products, but you also contribute to the growth of the local economy.
- Order local, support local.

Coming soon
Complete hospitality solution
Optimize your operations with our all-in-one platform.
Place orders, keep HACCP records, manage Mice a Place and analyze your performance in one central place.
Easy and streamlined
Mise en Place -
Digital HACCP registration for the hospitality industry
Real-time insight into your sales figures
Mise en Place
Onze software zorgt ervoor dat je nooit meer papieren lijsten kwijtraakt en biedt je een duidelijk, digitaal overzicht.

Onze digitale tool helpt je om alle HACCP-taken te plannen, controleren en vast te leggen op één centrale plek.

Beheer je financiële gegevens eenvoudig en efficiënt met The Next Order. Krijg direct inzicht in je verkoopcijfers, kosten en winstmarges.

Help center
The answer to
your questions
Check out the questions or send us an email and we'll get back to you.
Currently, it is completely free for hospitality customers.
To suppliers, we charge a fee.
Please contact us for more information.
All communication goes through an SSL encrypted connection.
You can always delete your account and all your data with one click on the settings page.
No limitation.
You can manage as many customers as you want and receive unlimited orders.
We don't charge any additional fees.
Yes, as a supplier you will receive an email notification as soon as a new order is placed.
Blogs, stories and more
Transform your supplier business: The benefits of ordering software for the hospitality industry28 Sep 2024 Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Transformeer uw leveranciersbedrijf: De voordelen van bestel software voor de horeca28 Sep 2024 Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Digitaliseer je HACCP met The Next Order | Optimale voedselveiligheid voor Horecabedrijven22 Jul 2024 Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Eigen bestellingen software vs. The Next Order: Wat is beter voor horecaleveranciers?22 Jul 2024 Geen onderdeel van een categorie
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